Will Your Business Continue During Winter Storms?

During the winter months, the weather can be really unpredictable. While some years we’re fortunate enough to only get a dusting of snow, other years require emergency services to be running in full force as blizzard after blizzard strikes.  Businesses who are unprepared for these storms suffer the most.  Having to shut down when the weather results in a state of emergency isn’t good for business, but to maintain the safety of your employees, what choice do you have?

Businesses who have installed VoIP telephones have an option that those without VoIP don’t have.  Their employees have the option of telecommuting during winter storms.  This offers incredible benefits to the company as well as to the customers.  And the best part is, no customer ever has to know that your employee is working from home.

Many businesses found out just how valuable having VoIP was this past summer and fall when their areas fell victim to various hurricanes.  While businesses all around them were destroyed and had to re-build from the ground up, those with VoIP were able to continue serving their customers without any issues.  

Each season brings with it its own set of problems.  How prepared is your business to weather the storms when they hit?  By making a simple change to your phone system, your business will be able to carry on.  You’ll add value to your company and you might even find that you’re a step ahead of your competitors.

Regardless of whether you’re considering telecommuting as an option for a few of your employees, or you want to make sure you’re prepared for the next winter storm, VoIP is the telephone solution you’re looking for.  We’d love to discuss how incorporating a VoIP telephone system into your business can help you grow your company in the coming year.  For more information, contact us today.

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